3 Most-Asked UFC Questions You Should Read Before Watching UFC 279

Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) has been around for a long time now. The viewership and promotion of UFC are on the rise these days. And the style of fighting i.e. mixed martial arts is considered to be one of the most viewership gaining sports by many experts. But despite the high popularity and viewership of UFC, fans and new viewers still have a lot of questions. So today, we are going to answer some common questions that you can read while you search for pubs showing UFC 279


Are UFC fights scripted like other entertainment shows?

The simple answer is no. If you read about MMA and UFC, you will find out that UFC is a company that organizes MMA sports. There are probably a lot of companies like UFC that organize MMA fights. But UFC is the most popular of all. UFC fights are just like boxing fights that are sanctioned by athletic commissions. If you compare it with popular entertainment shows like WWE, UFC is a sport-based show while WWE is performance arts. 

Is UFC going to get banned?

UFC is not going to get banned. As mentioned earlier, UFC fights are sanctioned by the athletic commission. All safety measures are taken by UFC to ensure the safety of fighters. All UFC fights can be viewed at public places like pubs showing UFC 280. If you carefully observe the fights, you will know that all the athletes go through pre and post-medical checkups during the match. Doctors are always available to handle any kind of emergency during the fight. If you consider all these things, and the recognition that UFC has got in all these years, there isn’t any reason for UFC to get banned. 

Why UFC is so popular?

MMA as a sport has a lot of potential. UFC makes sure that the athletes, staff, and support members get the right support. They put a lot of effort to promote the events and showcase the talent of their fighters. This can be called one reason for its popularity. Another reason could be the concept of UFC. It is raw and real. The matches, rivalries, and entry of women into the sport are marketed in the right way by UFC. It is so popular these days that you can book where to watch UFC 279 at pubs, bars, and local restaurants.  

To find out the UFC 279 schedule, visit https://www.gameonlivesports.com.au/ 


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